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Coterie Softwares is an excellent company for ASP.net training in Lucknow. The MVC framework is defined in the System MVC design pattern. Introduction to MVC Pattern, MVC Architecture, Working with Controller, View and Model Binding, Validation.

Microsoft .NET Development Our solutions and services around Microsoft technologies include enterprise project management, platform migration, packaged solutions, collaboration, .NET architecture consulting, and application integration. The superior functional abilities of applications delivered on the .NET framework allow us to ensure a high degree of robustness, scalability and device interoperability with the applications. Because of the abundance of skilled resources on the Microsoft platform, our pricing structures are kept extremely competitive, ensuring that our customers receive a best of the breed solution for comparatively lower development and implementation costs.

Coterie Softwares is the best for Asp.net training in Lucknow, .Net training in Lucknow, Asp.net with MVC framework training for students and professionals.

ASP.Net-MVC-Training Syllabus

Introduction to ASP.NET MVC

  1. The role of the Model, View, and Controller
  2. Key benefits of ASP.NET MVC

Getting Started with ASP.NET MVC

  1. MVC project templates
  2. Understanding the structure of an ASP.NET MVC project
  3. Naming conventions
  4. Creating views
  5. Defining controllers
  6. Defining a data model

Creating a Complete ASP.NET MVC 4 Application

  1. Creating strongly-typed views
  2. Understanding URLs and action methods
  3. Using HTML helpers
  4. Handling form post-backs
  5. Data validation

Using the Razor View Engine

  1. Getting started with Razor
  2. Razor design goals
  3. Implementing a Razor view
  4. Razor syntax
  5. Accessing Model Data in Razor views
  6. Industrial-Strength ASP.NET MVC Applications
  7. ASP.NET application architecture best practices
  8. Implementing a Repository and Entity Framework Data Model
  9. Using Dependency Injection
  10. Implementing a custom controller factory

View Techniques

  1. Defining and using custom HTML Helpers
  2. Defining a layout / MVC Master Page
  3. Using Styles
  4. Defining and using partial views
  5. Razor Helper Method syntax

Implementing Navigation in MVC web apps

  1. Defining view-model classes
  2. Implementing Data Filtering in a Controller
  3. Understanding the Routing mechanism
  4. Adding custom entries to a route table
  5. Defining defaults, parameters, and validation
  6. Generating URLs and Hyperlinks
  7. Custom Route constraints

MVC State Management

  1. Using hidden fields
  2. Session and Application State
  3. Custom model bindings

  1. Additional Techniques
  2. Global Filters
  3. Model binding
  4. Asynchronous Controllers

Using AJAX and jQuery with ASP.NET MVC

  1. Overview of AJAX and ASP.NET MVC
  2. Unobtrusive AJAX
  3. Using AJAX Action Links
  4. Overview of jQuery
  5. jQuery Techniques
  6. Using jQuery UI

ASP.NET MVC & LINQ - working with Data

  1. Language features used in LINQ
  2. Creating simple LINQ queries
  3. Using LINQ queries in a Web application
  4. Defining a data repository
  5. Using LINQ to define a data access component


  1. Overview of the ASP.NET Web API
  2. Building servers and clients
  3. Content negotiation
  4. Validation
  5. Query able Interfaces
  6. Dependency Injection

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